Mason Cooley Quotes

Text Quotes
While we are reading, we are all Don Quixote (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In every death, a busy world comes to an end (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Money: power at its most liquid (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I am no longer in love, but I still have my jealousy (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Once wealth and beauty are gone, there is always rural life (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Critic’s delight: scolding the Mighty Dead (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Melancholy is as seductive as Ecstasy (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Minds will wander even during the Last Judgment (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Self-reform is the only kind that works (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Well-behaved: he always speaks as if his mother might be listening (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When sages commend excess, Desire is sick (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Civilization creates discontents; barbarism creates quick endings (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The desire to perform impedes conversation (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The best propaganda omits rather than invents (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The bathroom scale knows nothing of extenuating circumstances (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Leisure unmasks our weaknesses (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Jargon: any technical language we do not understand (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Talk shows are proof that conversation is dead (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Every lover’s lament has an element of boasting (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Reality is the name we give to our disappointments (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The popping of bubblegum discourages the most determined lecher (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I have forgiven you. Nevertheless, begone! (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The eros of advertising is lurid but not specific (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Even a cow creates ambiguous signifiers. The moo of mystery (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Sex and writing live on playful cruelties (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The young have stolen our youthfulness, and flaunt it without shame (Mason Cooley Quotes)